Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
1 - 5 of 193 results
1861-1865 ca.
The envelope has a image of the devil and the florida state seal. It is part of the Rebel State Series.
The envelope has a image of Jefferson Davis and General Scott playing pool. The caption reads "Jeff Davis - I do declare, if I have not made a point! Gen. Scott - That's so, Jeff but I can give you a point and beat you badly before the game is...
The envelope has a image of a man carrying 10 guns with muskets. The caption reads "Rifled Muskets"
The envelope has a image of the state seal of New Jersey.
The envelope has a image of a lady next to a pillar, with names wrapped around it, as well as a flag wrapping around it. With a caption that reads "Pillar of Glory"
Showing results 1 - 5