Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
191 - 200 of 386 results
to Aaron Hobart
February 13, 1822
Collamore, Nathaniel, 1787-?
Discusses a petition to the government, Hobart's family, and a request by Collamore's brother to have Hobart arrange for him to receive a periodical.
February 14, 1822
Cutting, Nathaniel, 1774-?
Discusses a memorial petition requesting a military land bounty for Stephen Raymond, the heir to Revolutionary War veteran Solomon Raymond, which had again come to his office. Indicates that his feelings about its merits have not changed and that he...
February 15, 1822
Holmes, Abraham, 1754-1839
Discusses the bankruptcy bill, which Holmes opposes. Also discusses a proposed amendment to the Massachusetts Constitution limiting the number of senators from each locale, as well as pending state taxation and election bills, and an amendment to...
February 17, 1822
Ritchie, William, 1781-1842
Discusses news about mutual friends and the visit of "Our brother Watson." Seeks a pay increase on the behalf of "Colonel Harris." Mentions a pending "bill for regulating the pay of customs House Officers" and comments on the importation of rum.
February 18, 1822
Gay, Ebenezer, 1771-1842
Discusses his "claim under the Spanish Treaty," possibly referring to the Adams-Onis Treaty (as he did in GLC06313.141). Seeks Hobart's assistance in recovering the claim.
Dey, Anthony, 1777-1859
Circular letter from Anthony Dey sending a flax sample (not included) processed by "his new Machine," which would be on exhibit in Washington, D.C.
February 20, 1822
Peirce, Levi, 1773-1847
Seeks to have Hobart prevent the efforts of Zacheriah Eddy, "the worst kind of Federalist we have in this town," to get a money-losing post office in his neighborhood.
February 21, 1822
Written from the Treasury Department & Auditor's Office. Asks for the papers in the case of Edward Morton to be returned. Hobart was helping Morton recover money owed to him for boats and arms he supplied (see GLC06313.143).
February 22, 1822
Meigs, Return J., 1782-1851
Informs Hobart that he will "make the Communication attended to on Monday next," which has been delayed by several committees calling on him. Written from the General Post Office.
February 25, 1822
In accordance with a resolution Hobart introduced and which had passed through Congress, Meigs, as Postmaster General, sent statements to the Speaker of the House and the Chairman on Post Offices & Post Roads. Sends Hobart a copy (not included)....
Showing results 191 - 200