Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
31 - 40 of 75 results
to Louise Walbridge
9 August 1864
Walbridge, Charles E., 1842-?
Writing to let the family know he arrived safely [from a furlough]. The weather is very hot and there is a new chief Quartermaster.
18 September 1864
Asks Louise to send to him some official papers he left at home. A detailed description of various forms used by the Quartermaster's office.
23 October 1864
Acknowledges receipt of a package containing honey (most of which spilled), pants, a cake, and butter. Describes the weather, is saddened to hear of the deaths of two ladies from Buffalo, expects a big battle soon. Encloses a piece of petrified...
11 April 1864
Receives his commission [as captain, see # 42]. He is starting home on furlough but must first be mustered out of his old regiment. Hopes to visit home before George [his brother?] leaves. Death of a sister's young child.
31 May 1864
Reinforcements sent to Grant from Bermuda Hundred. Butler failed to capture the Petersburg and Richmond Railroad.
21 June 1864
A visit to the Petersburg lines, requests paintings done by Sarah and Louise, wonders why Lydia Walbridge still succumbs to "the humbug of spiritualism" after it has taken the lives of several of her children.
16 August 1864
Failed attempt of the 2nd and 10th Corps to take Richmond. Has not received any letters from home since his return.
25 September 1864
First encounter with persimmons [type of fruit], the success of Sheridan, building a log office for winter, reports that he knows no McClellan supporters in the Army.
31 October 1864
Sent George a pass to come visit him as an "employee of the Quartermaster Department" and explains that Harry cannot visit because he is too young for such a pass. Preparations for George's visit: putting a stove in his tent; obtaining a horse for...
3 March 1864
Continued 3 April. Notes that General Hatch relieved General Seymour as commander of the District of Florida. Seymour is under investigation by a congressional committee on the Florida campaign. The section dated 3 April explains that a steamer...
Showing results 31 - 40