Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
1 - 5 of 50 results
Elegy for Sereno Wright
Wright, J. Clark, fl. 1863
Serano is in heaven/And pain can never reach him there/No sickness comes to those who breathe that pure delightful air.
to Unknown
Wright, Sereno A., fl. 1860
Clark is well now. He has sent some of his money. He has started taking the medicine Rosetta sent.
Song of the Soldier
Selected for Mother and Sister.
I shine in the light of god/This likeness stamps my brow, Through the shadow of death my feet have trod...
to Mother and Sister
10 September 1862
Wright, Sereno A., fl. 1862-1863
He is having a good time and has never felt better. He thinks he will get used to camp life. He hopes he can come home tomorrow.
to Sister
2 November 1862
Last night a drunken man from one of the companies was arrested. He was put in the guard tent. He put up such a fuss they had to take his musket away from him.
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