Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
111 - 120 of 163 results
to Nancy E. Jones
13 November 1864
Jones, Joseph, fl. 1862-1865
Successfully rejoining his regiment after furlough.
14 April 1864
He expects a forward movement soon. He gives news of friends. He offers to send her papers.
20 November 1864
Orders to march in the morning.
6 May 1864
They have come within 12 miles of the Confederates without firing but there will be a battle soon if the Confederates do not fall back. They awaited the Confederates on a ridge but they did not appear so his regiment moved to a higher ridge and...
24 November 1864
March to Columbia.
21 May 1864
They have fought two battles in this campaign and skirmished with the enemy every day from the 7th to the 19th. His company of 20 has lost half its men.
8 December 1864
King, David C., fl. 1864-1865
Informing Jones's wife of his capture during a battle at Franklin, Tennessee.
5 June 1864
Nine days' engagement with the enemy; continuous fighting in Tennessee from 4 May to 7 June; discomfort from "filth and durty clothes and loss of sleep;" hopes for a furlough.
20 June 1864
Almost daily engagements with the enemy; list of corps commanders, citing Gen. "Howart" (Oliver Otis Howard) as his favorite; relates a story about Gen. Howard's exchange with a soldier about removing the body of a wounded man from the field.
12 July 1864
Reconnaissance mission up the river; lack of paper.
Showing results 111 - 120