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41 - 50 of 108 results
[Receipt to Jacob Bailey for rum, pepper, and tabacco]
1 March 1813
Montgomery, N., fl. 1813
A reciept written to Jacob Bailey from N. Montgomery for the purchase of rum, pepper, and tabacco.
to Ensign Jacob Bailey
25 March 1813
Nutter, Nathan, fl. 1813
A reciept for an overcoat signed by Nathan Nutter.
to Jacob Bailey
10 June 1813
Keyes, S.W., fl. 1813
A receipt for cloth and buttons.
[Requisition of military equipment for Captain Robert Snell's company]
19 July 1813
A requisition of military equipment for Captain Robert Snell of Colonel Denny McCobb's Regiment. Items requisitioned included canteens, gun slings, screwdrivers, and haver sacks. The location of this document is believed to be Burlington, Vermont...
20 August 1813
Bailey, Jacob, 1731-1808
A statement of account for Jacob Bailey, for payment from the United States government.
[Statement of account for Jacob Bailey]
1 July 1813 to19 August 1813
A statement of account for Jacob Bailey's military service from July 1, 1813 to August 19, 1813.
[A list of officers detained, discharged officers, and letters to be carried home for the soldiers]
20 July 1813
A list of officers detained in the service to the United States, officers discharged, and letters to be carried home for the soldiers.
to Hannah Bailey
21 May 1813
A letter from Jacob Bailey to his wife Hannah Bailey. In his letter Bailey writes about his experience in Colonel Denny McCobb's Volunteer Regiment including an improvement in troop moral and stopping smugglers. Bailey also asks his wife for...
20 June 1813
Bayley, Robert, fl. 1813
This document contains three seperate letters written to Jacob Bailey. The first is a letter from Robert and Maley Bayley to their son informing him of their troubles, including the loss of their cattle and their subsequent inability to pay for bread...
Subsistence account of Ensign Jacob Bailey
30 June 1813
Subsistence account of $36.60 for May 1, 1813 to June 30, 1813. Printed chart includes sections: commencement, expiration, no. of days, no. of rations per day, total no. of rations, post or place where due, price ration, amount, remarks.
Showing results 41 - 50