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5,826 - 5,850 of 10,715 results
Knox, Lucy Flucker, 1756-1824
List of expenses incurred by Mrs. Lucy Knox, her family, and household by date, including corks, wages for servants, pickles, brandy and other household expenses.
to Henry Knox
December 28, 1788
Jackson, Henry, 1747-1809
Addresses letter to "My dear Harry." Writes about a severe snow storm, "the most of any we have had this winter - for ten days past, we have had the severest cold Season, known for many years." Goes on to discuss the Federal elections. Notes that Mr...
January 10,1788
Washington, George, 1732-1799
Later copy. Discussing the voting in each state as to whether or not to adopt the new Constitution. Copy made 3 March 1854.
January 10, 1788
Discusses which states are ratifying the Constitution, and predicts its success. Notes "The determination of New York, of all others, seems most problematical; and yet, I can hardly entertain an idea that she will be disposed to stand alone..."...
January 12, 1788
Sargent, Winthrop, 1753-1820
Congratulations Knox on the birth of son. Mentions their "friend Platt" noting, "It appears to me that we have not placed any 'Bars in the way of military Associators' & that soldiers would find it very much to their interests to take their Lands...
Carrington, Edward, 1749-1810
Carrington reports, "I have as yet passed through no more of this state than what is called the Northern Neck- there I find the opponents of the Constitution pretty numerous and vociferous." Mentions that [Richard Henry] Lee "has in great measure...
to Henry Jackson
January 13, 1788
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Reports that he seems to be recovering from a recent illness. Transmits a letter to Mrs. McNeill related to financial matters. Asks Jackson to "wait on Mrs. [Mary] McNeill and take duplicate receipts for the said certificate." Asks Jackson to write...
Freeman, Constant, 1757-1824
Asks Knox whether he has the right, based on his military service, to two or three hundred acres of Ohio Company land. Adds that Mrs. [Mary] McNeil[l] thanks Knox for settling her husband's accounts. Knox has noted his answer beneath the docket.
to Mary McNeill
Presents McNeill with a certificate of a sum owed to her late husband. Enclosed the certificate in a letter to Henry Jackson, who will transmit the certificate to McNeill. Writes, "I most sincerely wish that its present value was equal the sum...
to George Washington
January 14, 1788
Knox updates Washington on various state conventions meeting to decide on ratification of the United States Constitution. Writes, "The new Constitution has hitherto been as well received as could have been expected considering the various existing...
[Account information between Henry Knox and Sebastian Bauman]
January 15, 1788
Bauman, Sebastian, 1739-1803
Covers 25 May 1787 - 5 January 1788, including payment for goods such as Jamaica spirit, cinnamon, and porter, among others. Bauman signs, noting receipt of £20.25 from Henry Knox.
January 16, 1788
Discusses business affairs, mentioning Benjamin Hichborn. Comments on the Massachusetts state convention meeting to decide on ratification of the United States Constitution: "We have upwards of 325 Members in Convention- no one can yet determine...
Gorham, Nathaniel, 1738-1796
Of Massachusetts' possible ratification of the Constitution, writes: "...we are hard at work- & the prospect not very good- numbers are at present against us- & the opposition leaders say they are sure of the Victory." Comments on various delegates...
to John Sullivan
January 19, 1788
Knox transmits a letter from the Marquis de Lafayette delivered to Knox by the Count de [Moustier], a French Minister. He informs Sullivan, Governor of New Hampshire, that Lafayette wrote the letter "on the supposition of your being in this City and...
to [Henry Knox]
January 20, 1788
Gorham signs with his initials. Discusses the ongoing Massachusetts Convention to ratify the Constitution. Applauds the resolutions of the "Boston Trades men" and asks Knox to see that they are published in New York, as they will convert or silence...
to Egbert Benson
Knox reports on the proceedings of the Massachusetts Constitutional ratification convention. Notes that there are "150 decidedly for the constitution, about 120 decidedly against it- and about 50 or 60 who appear to determine to hear all that can be...
Wadsworth, Jeremiah, 1743-1804
Discusses ratifying the new Constitution. Feels unsure of his own position as many of his friends oppose his viewpoints. Expresses a fear that [i]f New York should after all not come in - the new constitution will be in danger..." Signature is cut...
Discusses the debt of Mr. Swan, possibly Colonel James Swan. Gives details of the Massachusetts ratifying convention, noting that "the printers are allow'd seats in the house for the purpose of taking down and publishing the debates from day to day...
to Sylvanus Bourne
Responds to a letter from Bourne related to a sum owed to the heirs of Balthazar Bayard from the estate of Thomas Flucker, Knox's father-in-law who passed away in 1783. Notes that settlement of the estate depends on settlement of the Lincoln Patent...
January 23, 1788
Reports news of the Massachusetts ratifying convention. Writes, "The Convention are still seting they have now under debate one of the most important articles, that is, the powers of Congress... the Federal party are gaining ground every day, so...
January 24, 1788
Bourne, Sylvanus, 1761-1817
Requests a response from a previous letter he sent to Knox, likely pertaining to a bill owed by the estate of Thomas Flucker, Knox's late father-in-law.
[Receipt of money paid by Henry Knox]
January 25, 1788
McNeill, Mary, fl. 1787-1791
Countersigned by Henry Jackson as a witness. McNeill acknowledges receipt of a certificate for $2091.54, "the ballance of an Account between the United States & my late husband Hector McNeill." Appears to be written in the hand of Henry Jackson...
Lowell, John, 1743-1802
Cosigned by Thomas Russell. Russell and Lowell are apparently trying to collect money owed by Knox, or his late father-in-law, Thomas Flucker, to Captain Henley. The money pertains to a mortgage on land at Charlestown (state not specified). Lowell...
to Isaac Winslow, Jr.
January 26, 1788
Discusses documents he has recently examined which suggest a dispute over the estate of Brigadier General Samuel Waldo between his son Samuel Waldo, and his sons-in-law Isaac Winslow (father of the addressee) and Thomas Flucker (father-in-law of...
Showing results 5,826 - 5,850