Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
Jackson and a standing army...
30 September 1828
One print entitled Jackson and a standing army dated September 30, 1828.
Proclamation for day of Thanksgiving and prayer
Washington, George, 1732-1799
Setting aside the nineteenth of February as a day of "Public Thanksgiving and Prayer." Compare to other Thanksgiving broadsides: Adams, GLC00270 and GLC01947.
"Bring U.S. Together, Vote Chisholm 1972, Unbought and Unbossed.
Chisholm, Shirley, 1924-2005
Collection of two posters dated 1972, "Bring U.S. Together, Vote Chisholm 1972, Unbought and Unbossed," created for Shirley Chisholm's 1972 campaign.
[Slave sale broadside]
February 1, 1858
"Administrator's Sale! …at public auction, to the highest and best bidder…a likely young Negro Woman, Named Mary, and her child.…J. M. M'Cutchen, Administrator." Posted in Boonville, Missouri-rare slave sale broadsides from west of the Mississippi.
An account of some of the bloody deeds of General Jackson
One of the "Coffin Broadsides" that attacked General Jackson before the 1828 election. Accuses General Jackson of heartlessly executing six innocent militia men, and depicts their coffins. Also slanders Jackson in various ways and accuses him of...
Showing results 16 - 20