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to Bishop Earl Hunt
March 30, 1971
Roberts, Oral, 1918-2009
Roberts writes that he heard about Hunt taking time off because of overwork. He will pray for Hunt's full recovery.
to Marshall E. Bean
January 19, 1967
Romney, George, 1907-1995
Romney responds--late and apologetically--to Bean's request for an expression of faith during his time of suffering. Romney's writes that the greatest words of faith are: "That, as in Adam, all men die; so in Christ shall all be made alive."
to Earl Hunt
Romney sends a note to Bishop Hunt with his favorite quotation: "Unless our knowledge is in order[,] the more knowledge we have the greater will be our confusion." He then comments that "for our own knowledge to be in order we need to know that we...
to Miss O'Brien
9 November 1958
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962
Roosevelt writes a letter to O'Brien and encloses a copy of her favorite prayer. The prayer implores God to place a restlessness in our hearts that will cause us to strive for "far-off goals," engage in tasks so difficult that they require Divine...
to Leonard V. Fulton
3 January 1963
Rubottom, R. Richard, 1912-?
Rubottom responds to a letter from Fulton written during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Rubottom shares a concern about the world and the future. He notes that all three of his children are October babies and during the holidays the family spent a lot...
to Arthur A. Schaffer
January 12, 1951
Santayana, George, 1863-1952
Santayana responds to Schaffer's letter. Santayana notes their similar religious background but claims to have never left the Catholic church because he never had a sense of being in it, although he does "think in its terms." He discusses Schaffer...
to Ashely T. Cole
circa 1965
Sayre, Francis B., fl. 1965
Written while serving a diplomat in post- World War II Tokyo. He writes a quotation expressing that human brotherhood, sacrifice, and genuine international cooperation are the only bases for an enduring human society. Regardless of man's actions...
to John D. Buchanan
7 August 1967
Sheen, Fulton J. (Fulton John), 1895-1979
Bishop Sheen answers questions posed by Buchanan apparently about the priesthood. Sheen refers Buchanan to his televised address, "Modern Saints," published in "Footsteps in a Darkened Forest." He also comments on the priesthood as a "state in life...
to Eireni
circa 1980-1990
Teresa, Mother, 1910-1997
Mother Teresa thanks Eireni for her concern during a recent illness. The letter is typed on a card with Mother Teresa's picture on it. There is a printed prayer on verso.
to Eirene Mowji
19 July 1989
Mother Teresa writes to Mowji and gives her advice regarding a friend's brother who is taking drugs. Mother Teresa will pray for him and apparently enclosed a "miraculous medal" for the addict to wear during prayer.
to Rev. & Mrs. Chas O'Hara
February 23, 1981
Mother Teresa writes to the O'Hara's to congratulate them on their 50th wedding anniversary.
[God is love...]
A Missionaries of Charity card, with Mother Teresa's picture, that reads: "God is love, and he who abides in God abides in love, and he who abides in love, abides in God."
January 20, 1981
Mother Teresa writes to Bishop Hunt: "Be holy. Because Jesus who has chosen you to be His own is Holy."
[Photograph of Mother Teresa]
[Excerpt from "Learn to Grow Old"].
7 July 1979
Tournier, Paul, 1898-1986
The excerpt discusses concordance between experience and doctrine, and the comfort of facing death with Jesus. Signed and dated for inclusion in Bishop Earl G. Hunt's autograph collection.
[Excerpt from p. 15 of "Civilization on Trial"]
circa 1948
Toynbee, Arnold, fl. 1948
Discusses the possibility of a divine plan behind the rise and fall of civilizations and speculates that the means of progress in the plan is the learning caused by suffering due to civilization's failures. He cites, for example, Abraham as "an...
[This night is different...]
Uris, Leon, fl. 1945
"This night is different because we celebrate the most important moment in the history of our people. On this night we celebrate their going forth in triumph from slavery to freedom."
[Excerpt from a statement by Dr. Wernher von Braun].
21 July 1975
Von Braun, Wenher, 1912-1977
A partial reproduction of a statement by von Braun that originally appeared in an article contained in "This Week Magazine," included with the Charlotte Observer issue of July 18, 1965. The statement was from a interview discussing the relationship...
[Photograph of Dr. Wernher von Braun]
Accompanies von Braun's autographed quotation (GLC05508.249.01).
to students of Marshall E. Bean
9 October 1969
Vonnegut, Kurt, 1922-2007
Vonnegut thanks the class for the Thanksgiving card and comments they sent him and explains that another "Mr. Bean" was the best teacher he had as a child. He includes a poem from one of his books about how the whole world is doing God's work. The...
17 December 1962
Walker, Edwin A., 1909-1993
Walker responds to Fulton's questions about world peace and why his small son should have hope for the future. Walker is sure that "Christ will remain on this earth in spite of the evil forces that have never ceased to betray Him." He believes the...
to Walter Schneider
Waters, Ethel, ?
Waters details her recent illness and hospital stay and gives thanks for the many letters of encouragement from her fans. She also discusses making Christian music. A handwritten inscription discussing her new album and personal replies to fan mail...
to Mrs. White
23 December 1964
Waugh, Evelyn, 1903-1866
Waugh writes to thank White for her compliments on the book, "Helena," on which Waugh worked hardest but is least popular. Waugh suggests reading her "Life of Ronald Knox," and congratulates White on her recent conversion to Catholicism. Waugh...
19 July 1865
Waugh writes to White thanking her for new pictures of the revised Catholic mass (after Vatican II, said in the vernacular language), and expresses her dislike of it. She graciously declines White's suggestion to write a book on the martyrs. She...
to Lord Bishop
20 July 1865
Waugh writes to an unknown bishop declining a proposal of his for writing a work (unknown topic). She discusses martyrs of the English Counter-Reformation.
Showing results 126 - 150