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to Blanche Kelso Bruce
January 29, 1876
Dillard, Arlena, fl. 1876
A Letter from Senator Bruce's Niece, this letter thanks the Senator for some Christmas gifts and talks about what is going on in her town at the time.
24 May 1876
Blackman, H., fl. 1875-1876
Blackman is asking Senator Bruce to please see that his wife is appointed Post Master if he is removed from the office due to a report from the Special Agent.
4 December 1876
Baldwin, M.S., fl. 1876
Baldwin wrote to Senator Bruce regarding purchase of a copper mine. There is also a section on giving Travis Rhodes a position. On the back there is a note saying answered Dec 7.
January 17, 1876
Bynum, J.M., fl. 1876
Bynum is asking Senator Bruce to help him gain an appointment to Postmaster at Corinth if Dodson is removed from that office.
6 March 1876
Harvey, William H., fl. 1876
Harvey is asking Senator Bruce to send him 4 to 5 thousand dollars to pay a settlement. He says that he could pay it all upfront but to do so would cripple his business. So if the senator could help he would pay it more gradually over the course of a...
3 May 1876
Harvey is requesting that Senator Bruce endorse for him on his settlement of 9 thousand dollars. He has the money and just needs the endorsement.
26 July 1876
Huggins, Allen P., fl. 1876
Huggins is asking Senator Bruce to help him get appointment as the Postmaster of Aberdeen Mississippi.
February 21, 1876
Hill, Munroe, fl. 1876
Hill is requesting a loan of 100 dollars from Senator Bruce, to be paid back over a year if possible. This is according to Hill the second letter he sent, and at the top of the letter there is a notation in another hand saying no answer.
19 July 1876
Hatch, E.P., fl. 1875-1876
Hatch is writing Senator Bruce to request his support in keeping Hatch in his position. Hatch believes he is being pushed out by Wells, and wants the Senator to look into it for him.
7 April 1876
Hill, James, fl. 1876-1880
Hill is writing to introduce Milton Coats to Senator Bruce when he is in town for business.
29 November 1877
Yates, H.T.E., fl. 1877
Yates is requesting any papers that Senator Bruce can send him including the congressional record.
20 March 1877
Hurst, H.P., fl. 1877
Hurst is asking for help in getting another Deputy position to appoint Osborn.
23 May 1877
Holland, W.S., fl. 1877
Holland is writing Senator Bruce to request the position of Postmaster in Jackson Mississippi, as he is sure fisher the current Postmaster will not be reappointed
February 24, 1877
Brown, Blanche, fl. 1877
Brown is asking Senator Bruce to look for a position that may be available for them come March 1st
8 January 1877
Brown, G.P.A., fl. 18777
A thank you note for seeds that Senator Bruce sent to Brown.
20 November 1877
Shorter, J.H., fl. 1877
Shorter is asking Senator Bruce for a position in the Postal agency.
January 20, 1877
Daniels, E. S., fl. 1877
Daniels is thanking Senator Bruce for seeds, and asking if Bruce can forward the weekly paper to him.
20 October 1877
Spellman, James J., fl. 1877-1880
Spelman is asking Senator Bruce to present a petition to the senate and see that is supported and passed.
26 December 1877
Leachman, Robert, fl. 1877-1879
Leachman is requesting Senator Bruce's help in gaining a position as a route agent for W.C. Moore
31 October 1877
Laird, E.W., fl. 1877
Laird is asking Senator Bruce if he can find out about a vacancy in the Ohio District Attorney's office, and whether he should apply.
28 May 1877
Harrington, David, fl. 1877
Harrington is acknowledging Senator Bruce's letter and hoping that the department keeps it promises and appoints him.
21 July 1877
Beatty, Saul, fl. 1877
Beatty is writing to say thank you to Senator Bruce for the address of Matt Sullivan.
Jones, Simon, fl. 1877
Jones is asking Senator Bruce to use his influence and insure his continued position as collector in Enterprise.
6 March 1877
Junkerman, Julius, fl. 1877
February 5, 1877
Shorter, J.A., Jr., fl. 1877
requests some garden seed.
January 31, 1877
Slinky, N., fl. 1877
"please except my many thanks for your many [illegible]"
February 22, 1877
Glass, J.W., fl. 1877
requests one volume of the Congressional Globe.
26 October 1877
applying for the position of driver. Written in Hillsdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C..
10 June 1877
Smiley, N.A., fl. 1877
requests a copy of Mr. Buckley's Digest.
3 March 1877
Smith, Shillito, fl. 1877
asks for his support for a certain candidate for U.S. Marshal.
February 19, 1877
Stafford, E.K., fl. 1876-1877
informing him that Mr. Lynch has promised to secure his appointment as P.M of Greenville in the event of Hayes being declared president.
3 January 1876
Curlock, D.S., fl. 1876
asks him to use his influence to have the Hon. G.V Boswell appointed Post Master to fill the vacancy in said town.
January 23, 1877
Sanderlin, J.A., fl. 1877
asks him to send two books by the name of "The Memorial Addresses, Life and Character of Hon. Chris S. Ferry and the Statutes of the United States of America.
5 March 1877
Emlad, G., fl. 1877
asks that he do all he can for G.V Boswell.
regarding Captain S.R Blow, building him up, promoting him.
18 March 1877
Shockleford, C.G., fl. 1877
mentions the Whig party
17 March 1877
asks him to see Mr. French
19 May 1877
Saunders, E.H., fl. 1877
includes letters of endorsement for the position of postmaster
February 26, 1877
writes to thank him for the public documents and garden seeds.
10 March 1877
informs him that Democrats of the town have started a petition to have someone else appointed post master after his term ends. asks that Bruce protect his rights since he still has one more year left.
13 April 1877
Stinger, Thomas, fl. 1877
asking for his help in having a southern Republican appointed for the position of marshall.
8 October 1877
Stuvart, H. Percy, fl. 1877
asks him to see Chalmers regarding an appointment.
2 November 1877
Henderson, J.H., fl. 1877-1878
writes they are having a lively canvass in the county. also that the two jurisdictments which were brought against him were quashed but they cost him a lot of money. asks Bruce for the money to pay his legal fees.
Doroming, L. J., fl. 1877
11 March1877
been waiting for a long time to hear from Bruce regarding a photo. acknowledges Bruce's political troubles. thinks Lousiana is doomed.
8 September 1877
Snow, Addie R., fl. 1877
discusses the appointment of P.M.
13 October 1877
Feneer, N.D., fl. 1877
informing him that his appointment is probationary and the probationary period has expired.
21 September 1877
discusses the upcoming election and his motivation for running.
26 November 1877
Lee, Oscar, fl. 1877
pleads his case to Bruce. just a poor young man and a poor mother and father.
10 September 1877
Livingston, H.L., fl. 1877
writes that he has not enough money to pay the lawyer. mentions H.R. Campbell.
Hazelia, J.M., fl. 1877
writes they would like the money back which they loaned him. have written four or five times now.
21 April 1877
Leachman, R., fl. 1877-1878
aware of his appeal and asks for his support when his application comes up.
26 April 1877
Leachman, R.E., fl. 1877
wishes to thank him for past favors. assures him he is not one of those people who thinks he can secure any office for him and he would not try to abuse his influence.
30 May 1877
Davis, A.A., fl. 1877
the post master has put in an application to make the post office a separating or distributing office. argues that he is an old man now and this favor should be granted.
Reed, J.F., fl. 1877
writes for an appointment as postal agent or special agent. writes that he has letters of recommendation and a petition.
15 December 1877
Comms, E.X., fl. 1877
writes that there is a general dissatisfaction with the current post master. wants Bruce to use his influence to replace him.
12 March 1877
Harrington, H.H., fl. 1877
letter of recommendation for G.N. Harry for a position at the post office.
12 October 1877
Scott, Y., fl. 1877
he is owed money, but they have decided not to sue and have decided to be lenient.
February 21, 1877
Buckley, T.C., fl. 1877
asks for the appointment of Secretary of the Territory or U.S Attorney of the territory.
27 August 1877
informs the senator what both parties have been up to in his absence (lists their candidates and county news).
24 November 1879
Roe, John C., fl. 1879
writes to request Hancock's appointment as post master.
writes that people are trying to get him out of office and he wants Bruce to make sure that doesn't happen.
27 March 1877
writes to thank him for standing by him.
January 27, 1877
Yeandle, N.H., fl. 1877
asks for his assistance in obtaining a job as a Railway Postal Clerk or Route Agent.
January 22, 1877
Porrus, R.C., fl. 1877
writes that everyone is dissatisfied with Stallings as Postmaster and they want to remove him.
24 September 1877
a letter of recommendation for W.S Dodson for route agent.
13 September 1877
writes that there is some discord between the Customs offices in this district.
January 24, 1877
Overton, L.W., fl. 1877
a thank you note and request for a book (The Memorial Addresses of the Life and Character of Orvis S. Ferry)
January 19, 1877
Parker, C.E., fl. 1877
a thank you note for flowers.
9 March 1877
a letter of recommendation for Dr. Edward Latham for the position of Consul to Honolulu
7 June 1877
in regard to a suit on Harney's Securities.
asks him if there is any possible employment. says he has been doing nothing and waiting until Spring.
January 12, 1877
thanks him for the Congressional Record and the Dept. of Agriculture Report
2 August 1877
Louis, E., fl. 1877
sends letters and address of a friend; Andrews
14 December 1877
writing to request a position for H.L Bardwell in the US government.
February 1, 1877
Jack, fl. 1876-1877
asks Bruce to send copies of a Treasurer's publication.
Kerr, R.C., fl. 1877
endorsements and application for A.C Kerr as postal clerk.
25 October 1877
Reo, James, fl. 1877
letter of recommendation for James Leeman for the position of route agent.
Hawkesworth, M., fl. 1877
wishes to get an apprenticeship in the printing or binding division
14 March 1877
Huntington, C.S., fl. 1877
heard that there is a movement to replace J. Alexander as post master. asks Bruce to interfere.
My Dear Rhodes
10 April 1877
Ames, A., fl. 1877
Ames writes that the petition he is sending is "good enough to secure half a dozen such appointments" and that Rhodes should put his fate in the hands of General Milis
January 20, 1878
Henderson, Ambrose, fl. 1877
writing to inform him of N.G. Henderson's appointment as Collector of Customs and now awaited confirmation.
18 April 1878
Hunt, Thomas W., fl. 1877-1879
they have been dispatched to the president, urging the appointment of Compton as auditor.
17 March 1878
Hicks, Wilson, fl. 1877
asks him for a copy of the oath of A.G Mayer.
3 December 1878
Hunt, S.P., fl. 1877
asks for the appointment of local post master.
5 April 1878
Korris, A.B., fl. 1877
21 March 1878
Hall, W.B., fl. 1877
asks him to secure an appointment for him in an office of his choosing.
8 March 1880
Ferrer, S., fl. 1877
introducing M.L Brady
10 December 1878
Sullivan, C. A., fl. 1878
asks him to get him some appointment if possible.
2 December 1878
Tindall, R.M., fl. 1879
congratulates him on his marriage and expresses interest in the Hong Kong consulate
15 May 1878
16 March 1878
request that Bruce will continue their subscription for the Penn Monthly.
22 March 1878
Stewart, J. Ross, fl. 1878
"Please inform me if the place is secured."
February 2, 1878
Henderson, W.S., fl. 1878
now that he has accepted the position of collector of customs, he waiting the arrival of the oath. requests that Bruce speed things up so he can begin as possible.
February 25, 1878
Hazelwood, J.N., fl. 1878
writes that he received the package and will distribute the seed and report it to the commissoner.
to James Hill
February 7, 1878
begs for an appointment of some kind. says he has already contacted Bruce.
January 28, 1878
refers to a copy of "The Eulogies..."
January 19, 1878
Honey, James N., fl. 1878
Requests the Report of Bouthwell's committee appointed to investigate the Clinton Riot. (Sen. George S. Boutwell headed a committee to investigate orchestrated violence against African-American voters in Mississippi during the election of 1875.)...
16 October 1879
Hardy, W.H., fl. 1878
hopes that Judge Leachman gets the appointment. upset over the way the Judge has been treated.
2 March 1878
Simmons, J.J., fl. 1878
discusses the Cincinnatti Commercial, a democratic, but conservative newspaper. includes formal acknowledgement of receipt of paper.
Showing results 401 - 500