Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to: Mary [Armstrong].
Armstrong, Halleck, fl. 1865
Reports various rumors about Sheridan's maneuvers. Also reports on nearby black uprising: "Our allies, the darkies, are evidently burning out their beloved Masters…"
The london's missionary society's report of the proceedings against the late Rev. J. Smith, of Demerara, Minster of the gospel, who was tried under martial law, and condemed to death, on a charge...
The London Missionary Society, fl. 1824
...of aiding and assisting in the rebellion of the negro slaves
[Collection of 22 documents pertaining to "The State vs. Cally, a Slave"] [Decimalized .01- .22]
The State vs. Cally, involving Calahil, a slave from Lawrence County, Alabama, who assaulted "with a gun & sythe blade with intent to kill a white person named John W. Roberts. . .", a slave catcher. Includes arrest warrant, Bill of Cost, 12...
[Arrest Warrent for Cally a slave]
9 April 1858
Dinsmore, D.L., fl. 1858
An Arrest warrent for Cally a slave belonging to Archer Campbell for murder of a white person named John W Roberts
[Regarding runaway slaves]
circa 1858
A document that seems to state that Slave Catchers should not kill the runaway slaves to keep them from escaping. Not signed or official.
21 September 1858
Goodbelt, David, fl. 1858
Summons for L G Appleton, William Dougherty, Joel Simmons, Rufus Willis, King Nichols, John Brown, and L.J. Warren, to give evidence for the defense
Summons for Joseph Terry, Ino Parker Jr, and John Miles, to give evidence for the defense
22 September 1858
Summons for John Miles, to give evidence for the defense
Summons for Archibald Wodward, Jacob Warren jr., Jacob Warren Sr., N. Browne, D.O. Warren, A.J. Warren, William Milson, to give evidence for the defense
23 September 1858
Summons for Thomas J. Gailey to give evidence for the defense
Summons for Allman to give evidence for the plaintiff
February 22, 1859
Summons for William Doughtery, Andrew Burden, John Parker jr., King Nichols, William Brown, and Richard Gibson to give evidence for the defendent
18 March 1859
Summons for John Brown to give evidence for the defendent
22 March 1859
Summons for John Brown to give evidence for the plaintiff
22 August 1859
Summons for Andrew Burden to give evidence for the plaintiff
1 September 1859
Summons for John Parker to give evidence for the plaintiff
17 April 1858
Dinsmore is summoning G.W.Almore to give testimony.
Circa 1858-1859
This is a note discussing that the jury should make a verdict based onn testimony heard. the back of the paper has a second note that say that the defendent has a right of defense.
Looks like a part of a list, Has number one in the top left corner and states that the captor of a runaway slave, who is not his master, or having legal control over him has no right in order to effect that capture to jepordise the life or limb of...
A note explaining the use of reasonable doubt
This looks like it was part of a greater list with a number 2 on the upper lef hand corner. The text discusses the event where the defendent was captured saying that if he felt he was in danger that the prisioner had the right to self defense.
this laysout the two decisions the jury can make, either for the defendent or for the plaintiff
A note about the purchase of a blade
A note about a weaapon which states " that the weapon must be so used as to produce the effect legally attributited to it's use, else the jury can not infer that it was used with the intent legally attributed to its use"
[Bill of Cost]
Details the cost of the trial. total of $ 113.10 according to the docket
Showing results 76 - 100