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to mother
Walbridge, Charles E., 1842-?
He writes of the capture of a small group a confederates, the bombardment on Fort Wagner and the siege of Charleston. Also discusses the whereabouts of friends.
Reports the Confederate evacuation of Forts Wagner and Gregg. Now believes he will be allowed to remain quartermaster. He has bought a colt and intends to raise her. Informs his mother that he sent home a 42 pound shell fired from a confederate gun...
A tent mate is ill. He hopes to be paid soon. He writes a list of clothing items he wishes to have sent to him. A corporal is promoted to 1st Lieutenant because he brought the colors back from the attack on Fort Wagner [7/14/1863]. "I like the...
Describes the fighting near Lake City [Battle of Olustee or Ocean Pond, 2/20/1864] as quite severe: over 1700 killed, wounded, and missing. He comments: "The negro troops did very well except the 8th U.S. Colored Troops, which is a new regiment...
[Broadside recruiting African Americans for military service]
Color recruitment broadside depicting a Union soldier holding a United States flag with an attached banner declaring "Freedom to the Slave." In the background on one side, African American troops march holding a United States flag bearing the words...
[General Order No. 21 regarding the education of African American troops]
2 June 1865
Gardner, W. W., fl. 1865
Issued by W. W. Gardner as Assistant Adjutant General based on the orders of Lieutenant Colonel Henry Stone. Orders that school will be held instead of company drills. States that classes will be taught by men within each company, and that soldiers...
[Orders regarding the 100th United States Colored Infantry's observance of Abraham Lincoln's funeral]
19 April 1865
Stone, Henry, fl. 1864-1865
The first part of this document relates official orders issued by Thomas S. Sexton, Acting Assistant Adjutant General, based on the orders of Colonel Charles R. Thompson. Provides guidelines regarding activity during Lincoln's funeral, including the...
[Clothing receipt roll for Company I, 100th United States Colored Infantry]
6 August 1864
Straight, D. E., fl. 1862-1865
Clothing issued by Captain D. E. Straight. Includes the names of 39 soldiers, all of whom signed with an "x." Signed by James F. Essex as a witness.
to Stockton Bates
15 August 1863
Allison, William A., fl. 1861-1865
They're resting. Praises cavalry men. They camp near the famous Sulpher Springs summer resort. "I would say there is a decided objection to Negro soldiers throughout the army, even among the Yankees who are generally abolitionists."
1 May 1864
Remains in winter quarters. Burnside, who was supposed to be on the Peninsular campaign, is nearby with his colored troops distributed as railroad guards. Writes that they fear for black soldiers on the front: "With the 'darkies' it is victory or...
to Mary (Wright) Kellogg
10 April 1863
Blanchard, Ira, 1835-?
Blanchard writes to Mary Wright from camp on the Mississippi River. Mentions the levee was cut and submerged the whole country around it, sweeping away many homes and forcing people to flee to higher ground. Reports visits from Union Generals Lorenzo...
to Isora Sayles
27 August 1862
Sayles, Sumner, fl. 1862-1868
Informs his sister that he and the boys are well. Discusses promotions that have been given out in his company. Notes that two of their sergeants were promoted to captains in "Negro Companys." Comments on all the marriages, including hers, that...
Cartes de visite of officers (mostly white) of 59th US Colored Infantry
June 1863 after
After June 1863, when the regiment was organized in LaGrange, Tenn. The photographs were originally in a photo album. The 59th was originally called the 1st US Tennessee Vols. (African Descent) and 1st West Tenn. Inf. Regt (African Descent). Some...
to his family
22 June 1863
Coit, Charles M., 1838-1878
Writes of marching and arriving at Yorktown. Mentions that this was the site that General "McC's" troops were camped a year ago and describes an incident in which a black Rebel sharpshooter hid out in a tree and picked off the Union men until he...
17 April 1864
Notes they marched to Getty's Station to attend the execution of a deserter but were told that it was to be postponed. Says that they received orders to march to Bowers Hill and then were transported to Suffolk by "cars." They came back to camp via...
to Weir
13 May 1862
West, Lewis H., 1829-?
References his friend's letter of 3 April. References Farragut and Porter's running of the forts below New Orleans. Tells the story of a ship that snuck past him. Tells of other run-ins while on blockading duty. Relates a conversation he had with a...
to R. West
13 July 1863
Says he arrived at Charleston on 11 July and that the attack on the city started on the 10th. Reports Union forces have taken all of Morris Island except Fort Wagner. Describes the situation around Fort Wagner. Says the navy might have to land some...
to Harriet Moore
26 March 1864
References her letter of 14 March 1864. Says her opinion that he is "decidedly blue" is correct. Says it is depressing to have spent 3 years as he has at the age of 35. Speaks positively of the "change of feeling that has been wrought in public...
24 April 1864
References her previous letter. A playful letter in response to Harriet's account of a fair at home. Says their boring existence continues and that the only distraction is going fishing 7 or 8 miles outside of Charleston. Says that "The white troops...
to: Drazilla Churchill.
27 November 1862
Churchill, Byron, 1846-?
There is news of an upcoming draft, which Churchill hopes will draw largely on Democrats and Abolitionists. Churchill also reacts to the arming of African American in South Carolina: "…I wished it was the Negroes that was slain instid of our white...
to Godfrey Weitzel
2 April 1865
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885
Grant telegraphs instructions for what he thought might be the final assault on the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia. "You need not assault in the morning unless you have good reason for believing the enemy are leaving. We have a good...
[draft account of cavalry operations of Army of Northern Virginia]
December 1866
Lee, Fitzhugh, 1835-1905
Draft account of cavalry operations sent to Robert E. Lee, detailing actions of Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry division during May through June 1864, from Grant's crossing of the Rapidan River through the death of General J.E.B. Stuart. Details movement of...
to Edward Davis Townsend
7 September 1865
Meade, George Gordon, 1815-1872
Major General Meade requests information regarding "the organization of the Division of Colored troops formerly belonging to the 28th Corps" from Townsend, the Assistant Adjutant General. Inquires regarding the status of the command of Brigadier...
[Collection of Eleazer L. Sarsons, C company, 4th regiment, New Hampshire, infantry] [decimalized]
1861-1865, ca. 1900
Sarsons, Eleazer L., 1836-?
Contains account of his capture and release from Andersonville; his exchange; Lee's surrender. Includes description and drawing of Fort Marion.
to C.W. Foster
12 September 1865
Writes to Colonel Foster, the assistant adjutant-general of volunteers, to request that he be allowed to remain in the service in a "colored organization." Recounts his history of service in the Union Army since 1861, which included a period as a...
Showing results 51 - 75