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House Bill, No. 232. A Bill To be entitled "An Act to exempt from taxation the capital of bonds and certificates issued by the Confederate States."
26 November 1864
Confederate States of America. Congress
stamp of record division
House Bill, No. 233. A Bill To be entitled An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relative to impressments.
28 November 1864
House Bill, No. 239. A Bill To be entitled An Act to organize the Supreme Court.
29 November 1864
House Bill, No. 240-Secret Session. A Bill To provide for the establishment of a Bureau of Special and Secret Service.
30 November 1864
House Bill, No. 267.-Secret. A Bill To suspend the privilege of writ of habeas corpus, in certain cases, for a limited time.
10 November 1864
A Bill To increase the Pay of Marines to that received by the Infantry of the Army.
13 December 1864
House Bill, No. 275. A Bill To authorize the employment of Instructors for the Acting Midshipmen of the Navy, and to regulate their rank and pay.
A Bill Making an appropriation to erect additional Quarters for Acting Midshipmen at Drewry's Bluff.
House of Representatives, No. 277. A Bill Making an appropriation for the removal of the naval rope walk and erection of the same.
House of Representatives, No. 278. A Bill To increase the number of acting midshipmen in the navy, and to prescribe the manner of appointment.
House of Representatives, No. 279. A Bill To provide for the transfer of certain mechanics, artizans [sic] and other persons, from the army to the navy.
House of Representatives, No. 280. A Bill To be entitled "An act to impose a duty on tobacco and an additional duty on cotton exported from the Confederate States."
House of Representatives. Substitute For the Bill (H. R. 229) to provide for more effectually for the reduction and redemption of the currency.
14 December 1864
House of Representatives. A Resolution Upon the subject of peace.
16 December 1864
House of Representatives. Resolutions Relating to the war and negotiations for peace.
House of Representatives. Amendment To Bill to authorize the consolidation of companies, battalions and regiments.
19 December 1864
House of Representatives. Amendment To the Bill to be entitled "An act to authorize the consolidation of companies, battalions and regiments.
House of Representatives. A Resolution.
House of Representatives. A Bill To be entitled An Act more effectually to provide for the reduction and redemption of this currency.
20 December 1864
House of Representatives, No. 285. A Bill To be entitled An Act to lay a tax for revenue to provide for the common defence and carrying on of the Government of the Confederate States.
24 December 1864
House of Representatives, No. 286. A Bill To be entitled An Act to levy and collect taxes for the common defence [sic] and for the support of the government for the year 1865, and to repeal certain tax laws.
A bill to be entitled An act to authorize the 2d auditor of the treasury, or a commissioner, to be appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury with the consent of the president...
A Bill to be entitled An act to provide for organizing and disciplining the militia of the Confederate states, and for governing such part of them as may be employed...
House Bill No. 303. A Bill To be entitled An Act for the further Organization of the Field artillery of the Confederate States.
29 December 1864
Showing results 101 - 125