Askin, Thomas Barwiss Hagstog, Jr., fl. 1938-1958 USS Memphis journal: Memorys and Incidents of My Last 60(?) Days in the United States Navy

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Journals & Diaries
August 14, 1941 - December 16, 1941
Askin, Thomas Barwiss Hagstog, Jr., fl. 1938-1958
USS Memphis journal: Memorys and Incidents of My Last 60(?) Days in the United States Navy
Place Written
115 p. : Height: 14.9 cm, Width: 9.1 cm
Primary time period
Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945
World War II

Diary of Quartermaster Second Class Thomas Barwiss Hagstog Askin, Jr. containing a countdown of days until his relief day. Askin's diary describes day-to-day experiences aboard the USS Memphis. Includes entries regarding correspondence, entertainment aboard the ship, drills, payday, and other engagements. Askin becomes increasingly discontented with sea life and frustrated with delays in his return to the United States. Noteworthy entries take place on; September 11, 1941, Askin fears an attack on the ship following President Roosevelt's declaring it legal to sink Nazi ships; October 13,1941, he was retained because he was tenth on the list and only six men were being discharged; December 6, 1941, Askin was scheduled to be on-leave in the city however, he was retained after the bombing of Pearl Harbor the following day; December 16, 1941, Askin writes about a yeoman aboard the USS Memphis who forgot to reconcile his pay accounts and was not able to be paid for his service.

Other entries include a log of ports of call with dates of arrival, and knot mile distances; a financial statement owed to Askin; a tally of letters sent and received from September 1st; and a list of addresses and telephone numbers for the recipients or senders of the previously mentioned letters.

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